Are you covered for fire and smoke damage?
If your home or other property was damaged by a fire such as a wildfire or in-home fire, then it is important to understand what type of damage your insurance policy covers. Most fire insurance clauses allot for four different areas of coverage. Those are:
- Dwelling
- Other Structures
- Personal Property
- Loss of Use
Dwelling coverage refers to the home or property itself. If the smoke permanently damaged the inside of your home, then remediating the smoke inside of your home would fall under this category. “Other structures” can refer to things like detached garages and barns. These are not your actual home, but are part of your property. Personal property refers to all of your valuables and assets that your home contained. For example, this type of coverage could pay for a damaged TV, security system or even jewelry. Lastly, “loss of use” refers to the expenses needed for you and your family to live elsewhere while your property is being repaired. This might cover hotel and even rental car costs.
Natural Disaster Fires vs. In-Home Fires
Natural disaster fires or “wildfires” are treated differently than fires that start within the home or structure itself. As an insurance policy holder, it is important to note the difference between the two. In-home fires are typically caused by personal liability, which most homeowner insurance policies cover. For example, if you left a candle burning in your home and it was knocked over resulting in a fire, this would fall under personal liability. If a circumstance outside of the property owner’s control, such as a wildfire, caused the damage then your insurance company may not cover this type of damage. Make sure you fully understand what your insurance policy covers.
Hire a lawyer for your first party insurance claim!
Why hire an attorney for your first party fire insurance claim? The answer is simple. While your insurance company directly benefits by withholding money from you, our firm benefits when you benefit. At Robert Sparks Attorneys, we understand the way that insurance companies work and can fight back against them when they are using bad faith practices. Regardless of what step you are at in the insurance claim process, our firm can step in and provide assistance. Contacting our firm is the way you can hold your insurance company accountable for their actions. Put your compensation and your future in the hands of a qualified Florida fire insurance claim attorney at our firm.