About Sinkhole Repair

Sinkhole Attorney in Tampa

It may be clearly evident that sinkhole damage has occurred in your home or business. Cracks in the walls, uneven flooring and doorways, and other telltale signs of damage create not only an eyesore, but also structural compromise and dangerous conditions. With the assistance of a successful insurance claim, repairs should be undertaken immediately to prevent further damage. Should you need help with any step of the sinkhole claim or repair process, a Tampa sinkhole attorney stands well-prepared to assist you.

Repairing the damage caused by sinkhole development can be a complicated process. One of the most common efforts is that of grouting, in which concrete is pumped underground to attempt a fill-in of the eroded limestone. While this method is inexpensive – and thus championed by insurance companies – it is also unreliable. It is virtually impossible to know just where the concrete is going and the required volume of concrete. Thus, many repair companies will not guarantee their work and you could easily find yourself in trouble’s path once again. More reliable is the repair method of underpinning. This process involves the installation of metal piers within the limestone under your dwelling or building, usually around the perimeter. These piers are then bracketed to the building to provide support. Should additional structural support be needed, interior underpinning can also be provided under load-bearing walls, though this complex undertaking involves flooring removal and significant time.

Tampa Sinkhole Lawyer

Insurance companies are intimately concerned with protecting their profit margin, not with pursuing your best interests. This many times leads to insufficient repair work, as underpinning is expensive and can require the payment of full policy benefits. Robert Sparks Attorneys can fight aggressively to force insurers to provide all necessary repairs under the limits of your policy and to ensure that your home or business does not suffer further damage due to sinkhole development.

It is wise to have an experienced legal advocate on your side. Contact a Tampa sinkhole lawyer as soon as possible.